My trip to Auckland began with a few tears as I said goodbye to my parents at the airport. Although I have travelled many times by myself, this time felt particularly unique as I was going away for a long time, and had no one waiting for me on the other end. The long flight from San Fransisco (12 Hours) to Auckland was surprisingly not as bad as I would have thought. With our own personal TV screens at each seat, and with almost an entire row to myself, I was able to watch a movie, eat some dinner, pop some gravol, and fall asleep. Although I woke up several times throughout the trip (twice to lightening striking every 5 second - It was so cool to watch!), I felt fairly rested when we landed at 5am in Auckland. I gathered up my 70 pound suitcase, back pack and shoulder bag and headed out to the "Super Shuttle" which took my to my hostel the Central City Backpackers. I got into my room right away, and lay down with my book for awhile until it was a decent time to go out and explore.
I began by walking down Queens street (the main shopping street) and felt right at home after passing four Starbucks in the span of 5 minutes. I walked down to the wharf, picking up pamphlets and schedules and decided I would head out to Mission Bay a nearby beach. I spent a few hours there relaxing on the grass, wishing the sky wasn't so overcast, and then grabbed a smoothie and headed back into the city. Unfortunately as I got off the bus the skies opened and I had to briskly walk home in my tank-top in the pouring rain. Back at the hostel I took off my sunglasses and had a gander in the mirror, only to see the worst sunglasses burn i have every witnessed. Apparently the sun is a tad stronger down here, and easily penetrates clouds! You think I would have learned this lesson after several burns throughout my lifetime... but no!
Today, I got off to a late start. I woke up way to early (6am) and took some gravol to fall back asleep, unfortunately I didn't wake up until 11:30 ...opps! I got myself ready and headed down to the ferry docks (after picking up a Starbucks latte, sunscreen, and aloe), where I caught a 10 minute ferry to Devonport. Devonport is a very quaint town with old Victorian style buildings and houses. I wandered around and made my way up Mount Victoria, where I marvelled at the spectacular view of both downtown Auckland and the surrounding Islands. I had to laugh at myself while taking the ferry over as the other tourists were old couples and families with youngish children and wonder if my interest in going there stemmed from the countless similar places I had been dragged to as a child travelling with my parents. Thanks Mom and Dad! Regardless, it was a beautiful place with cute shops, a beautiful park and beach, really the ultimate suburb.
The first few days I have been taking it rather easy and am looking forward to having Ashley join me and getting out of the city. I'm ready to road trip it up, with the tentative first stops being 90 mile beach and the bay of islands.
Thats so exciting that you are there, and got to see Auckland! I love that you have a blog now, you know I'm gonna be checking it religiously. Update often! I wanna know about this roadtrip of yours!
Miss you...
I am also happy you have a blog so I can creep on all your stories. I miss you lots, but I am so proud of for going travelling..just reading your tame blog makes me nervouse! Love you
ps way to get a sunburn on the first day haha, you loser!
Joanna xoxo
Hello. good to hear that ur flight was good and u didn't have anything unexpect happen. keep updating ur blog so i no what is happening
kels! sunburn NO! but at least look on the bright side we all know that burns do turn to tans and tans make other people who are surrounded by snow super jelouse! ps im super excited to hear about the good times surfing, watch out for sea urchins!
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